Midnight In The Garden Of Good and Juleigh

Chaotic and consumed at some points , I have relocated and am no longer in Nebraska!
Different Variations
I’ve said before that there are over 39 chromosomal variations between XY and XX. Although I’m 47XXY , one of the other variations is known as Swyers Syndrome. Someone sent […]
Forging on at 45
45 and a photo shoot in a friends pool. glam, relaxed and fun. Those seem to be the words I Want to channel on going forward. its been 2 years […]

I do not own Duck pants. i would never mix Plaid and A Bumblebee Tie and Pants with rubber ducks on them and them wear them to a wedding! It […]
Tik Tok in a shut down world

Tik Tok could be a phenomenon on its own. 15secs to sell yourself or 60secs and hope your content allows you to be famous. Famous isn’t something that finds you […]
Reno Shows and Tears

It’s Day 1,34587649876?? Something of this lockdown and There is NOTHING on Tv. I’ve already caught up on all my “Shows”. I’ve caught the “Tiger King” craze on Netflix and […]
Shake Rattle and Roll

If the world was ending, you’d come over right?

I have a Chainsaw….
I hate Valentines Day.

I imagine most people do. I used to Love it. Getting a shoebox and decorating it and having your friends fill it with valentines….cute, mandatory of most students, weather they […]
A Right of Passage

Last Week I stood before a ninth circuit judge in Florida asking for a judgement that would cause Alabama to change my birth certificate to female. Something, Alabama will only […]