Every Moment is a Teaching Moment

Sure, some XXYs don’t want to share their story. How they have survived or Maybe haven’t grasped their conundrum. It’s difficult for us to reach out and Share. Since NIH […]

Why Does Others Opinion Matter So Much?

I’ve told her recently it is one of my LEAST favorite character flaws within her. That she lives in a glass house For many years , I too cared what […]

Fast Forward to June 2018

In June of 2018 I was asked to be a part of an ongoing study on XXY males at the NIH (National Institute of Health). I was told I would […]

Going Home

I was released from the Hospital today. The hospital provides a cab home. If I lived in London or England they would make sure I had a way back to […]

I believe XXYs are Closer to GOD

That totally makes sense to me. Ive often heard that Children who are different, who have disabilities and unique abilities can see thru the veil. Maybe they are more sensitive. […]