Sure, some XXYs don’t want to share their story. How they have survived or Maybe haven’t grasped their conundrum.
It’s difficult for us to reach out and Share.
Since NIH interceded , I’ve had a clear but difficult path. I’m Blessed that my Drs in Orlando we’re invested in me enough to take the recommendations the NIH suggested.
I know other XXYs who have returned from NIH and have been shunned, ridiculed and rejected by their current at Home Doctors. I talk with them and too them and encourage them to find Drs that will listen. Embrace and Grow.
Today, I went with a friend to her Dr appt and spoke with her PA who had heard of Klinefelter’s but not 47XXY (Its the same) I told Sophia all about my Journey in Hopes she will Read and Share and Expand.
Every Moment is a Teaching Moment!!
I’ll tell whoever will listen!
Who knows how I can do a Ted Talk??
Thank you Sophia for allowing me to Share My Journey with you!!