It Stings a Little

This last week has been trying to say the least. Leanaza Cornett died on October 28th, My Friend. Bob died on October 27th, My Friend. A friends, Dad passed another […]

Going Home

I was released from the Hospital today. The hospital provides a cab home. If I lived in London or England they would make sure I had a way back to […]

Notes from Rehab Diary

These two excerpts Chapters were noted during my recovery at Cholchester in the Aldham Ward Macauley Tye The Male Nurse (I promised him his own Chapter) Mac, Mac and Cheese, […]

I believe XXYs are Closer to GOD

That totally makes sense to me. Ive often heard that Children who are different, who have disabilities and unique abilities can see thru the veil. Maybe they are more sensitive. […]