Change is in the air and its Fucking Glorious!! I as an intersex female have been fighting Alabama separately for a few years to allow me to change my Birth Certificate so that I may get a new passport and update so many things in my life!
Today, In Alabama a Judge declared that Alabama can no longer require a Trans person to prove they have had SRS to update their Drivers License!! THIS IS HUGE!! This may make my Birth Certificate re certification a mute point!!
Read todays article, below
Not only is this big news but President Biden has hand chosen Dr. Levine from PA. to be his Head of Health. You might not think this is a landmark decision as its just another dr added to another cabinet. Dr. Levine is the first Out Transgendered doctor to not only hold this title but to be named to a presidential cabinet, PERIOD! EVER! Things are changing!
Have a great week!
~Love you! Mean It! ~Juleigh