Thanks for joining me!
I hope this Blog will help those that know me , understand more about my Journey. Those that Do not know me learn about my Life. We will Start at Birth and I will bring you all the way to my current chapters. Some Post will be educational, Some will be musings on Current struggles…All will be fun, Hopefully for a few minutes you will grow and laugh and realize that NO One on this Planet gets to leave it Unscathed. We all are tested, We All face trials and Tribulations. This is My Journey. Thank You for Allowing me to share it with You.
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
2 Responses
I’m so glad you’re doing this!
My mom knew from the moment she met you that you were special! Not in a bad way, but in an “come here and let me give you a hug and unconditional love” kind of way… Except for that one Alexis Carrington incident!
We Waltons love you and will always be here for you…😘😉
I came here from your Facebook page.
I shall take time to read your blog’s and pages.
My doctor diagnosed me Inter-sex and assigned me female in 1982 when I was age 26.
I lacked a specific form of Inter-sex til the results of my last gynecological exam – Kleinfelter’s.
I read what I could find about it, but few symptoms matched. I read further. Seems that I am female Kleinfelter’s, not male Kleinfelter’s.