Famed director Julie Cohen of Documentary RBG, releases a new Documentary. This Friday June 30th, across the USA.
As one critic from Indie wire has said in the review below this film should be mandatory viewing for everyone… (Read Review here from Indiewire)
‘Every Body’ Review: Julie Cohen Celebrates Intersex People – IndieWire
Juleigh has been asked to promote the film thru her TIKTOK Platform and she is also working to get it in front of even more people this fall, hopefully with a showing the week of June 21st just in time for her appearance at Orlando Pride
a Note from Juleigh-
Finally, a film that captures exactly what it has been like to live in an Intersex body, to be marginalized and even persecuted for not fitting in. A film that will share the ideology behind the medical community for how we’ve been cared for and about for the last 50 plus years. While XXY is not mentioned by name, It is one of the variations under the intersex umbrella and this film and my brethren in it tackle notions that we are Hermaphrodites, (that does not happen in humans) the importance on stopping unnecessary surgeries, The intersections of Trans rights and Intersex Rights and More. So Much More.
Please check local listings and run to the this film and share it with every Body
See Trailer below